Mitchell’s Miracles is a charity that continually raises awareness of Neuroblastoma, a rare childhood cancer that affects around 100 children in the UK annually. Neuroblastoma is a cancer of the specialised nerve cells, called neuro crest cells. These cells are involved in the development of the nervous system and other tissues.
Unfortunately, the causes of Neuroblastoma are still unknown, but we do our best to provide financial and emotional support to the families and children affected by this rare childhood cancer. Mitchell’s Miracles managed to support 9 families from Birmingham Children’s Hospital, 11 families from Great Ormond Street, we saw a rise in admissions from Bristol Children’s Hospital in 2021 and we provided support to many families under the care of other Children’s Specialist Cancer Hospitals.
Although Neuroblastoma is still a rare cancer, we are hearing more and more cases being highlighted by the media and by families who apply for financial and emotional support from Mitchell’s Miracles. It is vital that we continue to raise awareness of Neuroblastoma so the signs and symptoms can be caught early, with a higher chance of survival. Thank you for taking the time to read about this very important topic.